Construction recap: I only cried once.

I did it!  My first (completed) construction project.

In total:

One pin on Pinterest.

One Turtle assistant.

Four sides built.

One 10 minute bout of crying, as some sides had to be built more than once so that they were square.


Six hours (Nope, not two hours.  Mr. Hammerzone probably does not have to referee Wrestlemania 2012 every 30 minutes or so.)

One mis-measurement.  (Can you see that the top is too short?  If you can’t here, you’ll be able to see it at the end.)

 One creative solution – for the bottom shelf, I improvised and added a brace for support.


Author: dabosslady

Da boss, wife, mom, lobbyist, wanna-be cook, crafter, wood-worker, photographer, gardener, avid reader, occasional insomniac.

3 thoughts on “Construction recap: I only cried once.”

  1. Great post, I can empathize with trying to work through wrestlemania! I do a similar thing with “keeping score” while I finish a project. Mine usually goes something like: 4 cups of coffee, 1 broken drill bit, 3 blisters, 1 stop to google “cutting through tire”, 1 trip back to the diy store…

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