A Pinterest Project: DIY chalk sidewalk paint


Want to make this DIY project yourself? Click my MystiKit button below for everything you need, shipped right to your house.


I found this kid-friendly project on Pinterest a while back and waited for a lazy day when the rain would likely come soon thereafter to give it a go.   (The original source was this blog.)

With Tropical Storm Beryl headed our way, we decided to try it out.

Turtle and I whipped a batch of homemade chalk paint.

The ingredients:

  • Cornstarch
  • Water
  • Food coloring

I did not follow the Pinterest recipe.  It was way to soupy.  I kept adding cornstarch well past the suggested amount until each cup holder was thick.

Then we added food coloring.

Then, Turtle and I painted the front sidewalk.  As the paint dried,  it lightened up into a rainbow of pastels.



No clean up thanks to Beryl.

Pinterest perfection.

Thanks for reading.



My first feature!

I am so excited to be featured today on Cynthia’s blog, ohsopinteresting.com!







With each post, she shares those wonderful, but few-and-far-between attempts to do the stuff you pin on Pinterest.  Cynthia featured my workbench project from a couple weekend’s ago.

How cool!


Pinterest projects and Before and After “Blog Love”

In my fantasy life, I am able to do all of the stuff I pin on Pinterest (along with a few other things…like being able to go to the bathroom without someone standing outside the door screaming “MOMMY, I’M HUNGRY!!!!!!”)

I digress.

In real life, I try one or two Pinterest projects in the course of a week – a recipe here, a cleaning tip there – and while I usually have success, for some reason, I am on a terrible tear of bad outcomes.

Two nights ago, I tried this tip for the cleaning the shower head.  Take one plastic bag, add vinegar and baking soda and soak your shower head in it for a few hours…or overnight for better results.   If you see it on Pinterest, don’t bother pinning it or trying it.  All it did was keep HH from taking a shower.  That shower head was not one iota cleaner than before I started.  “And it smells bad,” according to Turtle.

Another one you can pass up are these checker-board cookies.  Or least you should pass them up unless you have a TON of time. The recipe calls for several different delays where the dough sits in the fridge or freezer.  (Note to self – I should read the entire recipe first!)  Turtle and Splash were “helping” me and I did not have much luck explaining that we could not have the cookies until tomorrow.  We ate 2/3rds of the dough before we got around to baking anything and the cookies that actually did get baked 24 hours later were so bad, no one would eat them.  When two four year olds won’t eat cookies, you know they are awful.

Source: 17 and baking

While I am on a roll, I will share with you this “fail” that was not my fault.  I planned to make this citrus wreath.  (That link is to the pin, but the wreath and instructions are from Better Homes and Gardens.)

I picked up all of the oranges from the yard (which unforetunately are not fit for eating) and sliced them up to dry in my mother-in-law’s old food dehydrator.

After nearly 12 hours, I finally realized that the machine was broken. The fan was producing air, but the heater was not working.  It would have taken 10 years for those things to dry out.  And while they were sitting in the breezy contraption, they had become grayish.

To make matters worse, the boys found the wreath that I had planned to use for the project and they started playing frisbee with it in the yard.

It took 3 minutes to be thrown into the side of the house and split in half.

At that point, the magic was gone on the project.

I do have successes though!  And I hoping for one tomorrow.   I am going to make something I pinned on my “I’ll Build It Myself” board – this table.

Source: Hammerzone

Unlike the cookies, I hope that I can show you the before and after photos of this project.

And that brings me to another great blog –  Before and After.  Blogger Lindsey from Phoenix gives the blogosphere a daily dose of photos of other people’s projects and it is the bee’s knees.  I have a thing for people’s transformation of trash to treasure.  (Doesn’t everybody?)

There was this post a few days ago where this clever gal, inspired by a piece from West Elm, created art from embroidery hoops.

Source: Hill Country Homebody

Or how about this idea below? Take one out of date floor lamp, add soda bottles and what do you get?

Source: Matsutake

How cool is that?

Guessing by the volume of stuff featured in the daily postings on Before and After, I would expect that nowadays most DIYers send in their pics hoping to be featured.   Or perhaps Lindsey just has a knack for finding amazing and inspirational stuff.

Either way, I am hooked.  A dose of the DIY pix on this site get me running back to Pinterest to try another project…after I finish this one.

Thanks for reading,


Home improved enough.

What a crazy, busy weekend.  It was filled with birthday parties and bike riding and home improvement. Lots of home improvement.

On Monday, we were having the house appraised for the purpose of refinancing.  When I scheduled the appraisal appointment, the appraiser asked about what improvments we had done to the house.  I told him about the roof, the siding, the master bedroom floors, the master bath, the new window, the new mail box and then, the flip-flop of the kitchen and dining room…which “are not finished.”

“What does that mean?” he asked.

Well, I told him that the kitchen is fully functional.  We have a new range, a new dishwasher,  new cabinets “and so on…”

“Do you have counters?”

“Yes.  Sort of.”


“Yes, sort of.”

We have them, they are just not what we will have forever.  The floors are concrete subfloors and the counters are Craigslist hand-me-downs  which are simply resting on top of the cabinets until we have all of the cabinets installed.  And that is not going to be anytime soon.

And on it went from there.

The man politely told me that we did not stand a chance of getting the refi to go through if it appears like we were in mid-renovation.  The renovation, which is far from being done, needed to look “done enough.”

So while I cleaned the marker off the wall, put the furniture back where it was supposed go (i.e. moving the boy’s night stands next to the beds – where I quickly remembered why I moved them away before – they make great launching pads) and so on, HH got to work on making the house look done enough.

He started on this wall.

This space will eventually be a washer and dryer/laundry area in my dining room.  

What? (That is my mother speaking in my head.)

Yes, I plan to have my laundry room in my dining room.

Currently, my washer and dryer are in the garage, too far from the bedrooms in the house and not the happiest place to be in the middle of winter or summer.

I would like something like this .

Better Homes and Gardens Washer/Dryer in cabinets
Source:  Better Homes and Gardens.

I can see using my future dining room table as an impromptu folding station which would be  light-years better than hauling up basket after basket of unfolded laundry to the master bedroom and folding at the foot of my bed.

However, we are not planning to make this improvement any time soon.  And while I can live with the exposed plumbing, the home appraiser probably would not look too kindly on my wall ala swiss cheese.

Off to the store to buy bead-board.  HH installed it right over top – no patching or taping or mudding. 

With just a few finish nails, we can pull it right off when we are ready to build in the new cabinet.

Sorry for the grumpy kid in the shot.  Splash was mad that his Dad was not available to play.

Next, we struggled with the counter top.  Since the future counter would be way deeper and heavier than what would be needed now, we needed a cheap alternative.

We read that Jax Bargain Plywood was going out of business and so we drove by on Saturday after a dune buggy party on the westside of town – more to come on that later.  🙂

The shelves were picked clean except for one little lonely door with no hope for a home.  It was too light and too small for a standard door …in other words, perfect for us. And, it was $5.  Really, $5.35 with FL sales tax.  Yay!

First, HH cut it to size.  Next, I hot glued some of the scraps to the ends to act as trim.  Last, HH used a few L-brackets to keep it supported on top of the wall.  

From the photo, you can see how the kitchen looked when the appraiser came by.  We added a huge area rug, balanced the toe kicks in front of the cabinets so that they looked finished and strategically placed items around the kitchen to distract anyone from looking too closely at the finished product. 

We are cautiously optimistic about the results.

And exhausted.

Gooooooo, Super Protector Mommy!

HH built these for me this past March.I heart them. 

However, March is hop, skip and a jump to June, after which they sat unused in the sweltering, Florida heat.

It was just too hot to enjoy these lovingly built tokens of affection.

Now that we have had two days in a row where you can be outside without your skin melting off, I began to envision sitting out on the patio with a cold beverage and my feet propped up in these bad boys again.

But in the few months since they were brand-spanking new, the wood was already dried out and faded a good bit.  I was kinda shocked – so much so that I forgot to take a before photo – by how much can happen in such a small amount of time.  (Don’t even get me started on my new attitude on sunscreen!)

Rather than crack open that adult beverage, I retrieved a paint brush and some latex gloves, and cracked open some Polyurethane.  No time like the present  6 months later, right? 

As the smell of chemicals wafted through the air, three curious little people came out to see what Mom was up to.  I told them that mommy was protecting the chair.

“Protecting, huh?” says Turtle.

“Like a super hero protects things?” says Splash

“Well, sort of.  Daddy made these for Mommy and Mommy loves them.  I want to protect them for a long time.”

“So you are working to protect them?” says Turtle.

“Yes.  Yes, I am a working protector, ” say I. 

Who am I to argue with that kind of logic.  I mean it is not every day you forgo an adult beverage after work to take on the “protection” of something.

I realized after the first coat went on that I could not sit in the chairs for 24 hours, but it will be worth it.  A 24 hour investment that means I will still have chairs this time next years is a no brainer.

Plus, I had good company around – the Mommy protection cheering squad.

My home team was rooting me on and practicing their Mommy cheer.

Hands in!

Go Mommy, on three!

One, two, three!

Life is good as a Super Protector. 

Have a great weekend, y’all.


Yankee Doodle Yum

I am so proud of myself!  I made something!

I have clipped, posted and shared all kinds of ideas for all kinds of things, but this is the first time in recent memory I have actually followed through with the actual activity.

I posted about this on Thursday.  It is a Red, White and Blueberry Trifle from SkinnyTaste.com

And I made it today.

Ooops...I did the blueberries and strawberries backwards on top...

I was not supposed to be here at home to do anything.  HH, Vader and Splash are all visiting with Georgia family.  I am hanging with a sick Turtle who was running a 104 degree fever when the rest of the fellas left.  He is chillin’ on the couch, enjoying a Barney and Wiggles marathon.

But rather than join him on the couch, I turned this

into this

And I think it is going to be wonderful – assuming I get to enjoy it tomorrow with the rest of the family at the second of three parties for the holiday weekend.

I am so proud of me!

Camellias, camellias everywhere

I love driving home past all of the blooming trees and flowers this time of year.  It seems like every azalea has burst in the last 3 days into a pink and white parade.  The cherry blossoms salute me and the other white, red and green buds on all of the trees blow cheerfully in the breeze.  I am near tears at some stop lights cause it is so pretty.  (I cry at Publix, Hallmark and some McDonald’s commercials too.)

My favorite are the camellias.  They says Spring in the south like nothing else and they are gorgeous.  I actually have access to a bright camellia bush (tree?) in a neighbor’s yard and I am going to make my creativity day effort  (which was actually yesterday, but I was traveling on business) into this…

In Style (August, 2007) boiled down floral arranging into 9 steps and tonight I am going to give them a go.

Technically, it is “focus on friends” day and I have a pair of notes ready to drop into the post office box to brighten a few friend’s afternoons later in the week.  And that is it.  One full week of being my own boss.

Recap coming soon…  Strategic planning too!

Redressing the dresser

About half of the blogs I am reading these days featuring “before” and “after” efforts of talented women all over the country.  There is the one that turned this table

into this table

as seen on Better After here and also the one where someone turned these stairs

into these stairs

(Courtesy of Thrifty Decor Chic.)

I have never done anything like this, but I am playing with the idea of purchasing a second-hand kitchen and may be open to the idea of painting all of the cabinets before we install them

So how does one do that? 

Thanks to the clipping from Southern Living’s Decorating Step-by-Step feature, now you know!

I love that you can be green.  Reuse, right?  Ah…another project for the future.